Saturday, 31 October 2015

Saturday? Favourites

Hello Lovelies, so i'm starting a new blog series called Friday Favourites which will be a compilation of my favourite things for that week! All lifestyle and beauty related. However, since this is the first of the series and since Friday was yesterday this one is going to be Saturday favourites (for this week only!) So here goes...

Favourite Scripture: Ephesians 6:10, God has all the strength we need, he must be at the centre of our lives...

Favourite Skincare: My Tamanu Oil and its amazing benefits which I add to my moisturiser at night!

Favourite Make up look: That "minimalistic" but bold glam which focuses on the skin, eyebrows and eyes with neutral lips. Will be creating this look with non-toxic products.

Favourite Style: Loving the "minimalistic bold" look. Loved the oversized coat, the colour and the simple outfit on KJ

Favourite Hair: Loving the wavy Bob

Favourite Interiors: Loving the Black and White Minimalistic looks  (I'm such a minimalist):

Hope you've had a great week

XO Verified Beauty

All pictures from instragram, pinterest or my own

Friday, 23 October 2015

Sowing into brands. #KnowYourBrands

Where is your money going?

A lot of the time when we get paid most of us have a budget for certain things and usually we fling our money into brands and products without necessarily thinking too deeply about it (I am guilty of this!). These are brands that have worked for us in the past that we are loyal to.  Let’s put it this way if something works for you, looks great and has proved its efficacy why should you change it? This is the same mentality that I had for a while and I'm still getting over for certain brands!


“Investment is time, energy, money or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualised”

Money is a blessing from God, you need to be accountable for where you're sowing into and what brands you're sowing into. I do believe that you reap what you sow and we need to identify what exactly we are sowing into. When you buy a product from a brand you are investing into the company and their business, as a consumer you should be given good reason for such an act.

When going into investments such as houses and cars people invest a lot of time to see whether it will be worthwhile and there is no investment bigger than your own body. Are the products you're putting on your skin really adding or are they taking away?

Meanings and Values:

Since starting this natural beauty journey my perspective has really changed! Now meanings and values are the driving force of everything I do. 

What do you mean by meanings?

In everything in life you need to know your ‘why’ to identify the reason behind what you're doing in all actions, as all actions have consequences. There is meaning in every verb therefore you need to stop and really have a think about that, it will help a lot of things come to light! Also identify your motives; this will stop you doing the status quo, robot, monumental things over and over again! Break the cycle!

It is important to identify them otherwise other people/brands will do it for you!  If you don’t know your meanings and values you need to find them as they make up who you are.

This was my old way of thinking:

  •  I was driven by senses (sight and smell) with certain products. So let’s imagine I am looking to try a new face wash. If the packaging looked pretty I would buy it and if it smelled great then even better! Bonus points!
  •  I was driven by popularity- Well this celebrity uses it and this blogger uses it and she looks good so I’ll give it a try.

New ways of thinking:
  •  Driven by meaning: What is this product intended to do?
  •  What is in the product that will achieve this?
  •  What ingredients are in these products, what are these ingredients and what do they do?
  •  Driven by values: Who is this brand? What do they stand for? What are their brand values? How do they source their ingredients?
So before you buy and invest into that cosmetic (or anything in life really) first identify your whys:

Why are you buying this face wash?
  •   Do you need it?
  •  What do you want to get from it?
  •  Are you really getting that from this brand?
  •  Do you know the values and promises of this brand you are giving your money to?

 What to do?
  •         Research into companies and their brand values
  •         What does the brand stand for?
  •         Do they have the consumer’s best interests at heart?
  •         How do they show their values?
  •        Do they list their ingredients/toxic ingredients that they do not use?

These are all they types of questions you should be asking when you are buying products and you may ask whether it is really that deep? Yes! It is! If everyone has this mentality then imagine the millions that are being sown into brands with no true values and with profit being their only focus.  Some might say that business is business but true businesses that make it to the end are grounded in universal and timeless principles such as integrity!

Brands will sell what people buy into so let us as consumers take control of our destiny!

Product junkies- what this actually means and actually is this good idea?

This is when you try out and invest in lots of different brands and products in order to find the ‘right one’ or just have lots of products to choose from. I am definitely guilty of this but I am learning, praise God. People throw around this term like it is nothing! Guys we can’t keep doing this (lol).  Okay SO there is nothing wrong in trying out new things to find out which actually works for you but make sure you do your research first so you can avoid unnecessary spending and again identify your meaning, values and your whys!

How to AVOID being a product junkie (from a recovering PJ):

  •  Be aware- brands will sell you what is there and with brands selling through bloggers as well you need to identify those who have the same values and meanings as you do. Remember that a lot of bloggers are being sent these items so if they seem like they are product junkies the chances are they can afford to be because a lot of it is free!
  • Make use of bloggers, YouTubers and their reviews but again know their brand values? (because they are basically brands too! #believethat) Do they match up with yours?
  • Even though we try and hide from it in this day and age it is still true Quality>Quantity. Don’t be a hoarder!! Simplify your life (lol I love that! Blog post coming soon with that title #yas)

Let's take control and powerfully influence the brands we sow into!

Lots of Love xx

Photo credit: Google


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Cacao Nibs: The secret ingredient?

I first heard about cacao nibs when I was on Tia Ward's YouTube channel watching a video on her latest skincare smoothie which is absolutely yummy btw! I will come back to this in due time.

What are cacao nibs?

So first of all cacao and cocoa, what's the difference? I was very much confused by the spellings BUT now I know and it was a pretty cool find (well for a natural ingredient nerd like me). Cacao nibs are cacao beans that have been roasted and separated from their husks to produce the small pieces. Due to much less processing cacao nibs have a dark chocolatey but more bitter in taste. Cocoa is the word used to describe the powder form of the cacao bean that has endured higher temperatures to get it to the powder form and therefore not as nutritious as cacao nibs but great for you non the less. (cocoa powder is the base ingredient used to make chocolate- but you all knew that right?) 

Health Benefits?

Raw and organic: Cacao nibs are the best kind of chocolate you could consume and due to the minimal processing all the benefits and goodness is maintained.

A powerful natural antioxidant: a high level of dietary antioxidants can prevent many diseases and future age related diseases. It is also good for general health maintenance by cleaning out unhealthy electrically charged oxygen molecules called 'free radicals'  from our bloodstream.

High source of minerals: Cacao nibs are high in magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and copper which means those multivitamins can go out the window (lol, well not quite but it's a start) 

How to add it to your diet?

Due to cacao nibs being in it's purest form, it's best to keep them in that way and not to apply heat to them. I purchased mine from my local Sainsbury for £3.00, a 100g packet and the brand was natural days. You can also buy them from Holland and Barrett which is a 300g packet for £7.99. The packets are quite small but a little really goes a long way with this product, due to the strong taste- think dark chocolate but much bitter so yes you really do not need that much!

I have been using them in my skincare and general well-being smoothie- first seen on Tia Ward's YouTube channel as mentioned before:

The ingredients useD in the smoothie- check out all that goodness:

NOTE: Be sure to check that your ingredients are raw, cold-pressed and organic where necessary

A hand full of Strawberries

A hand full of Raspberries
A hand full of Blueberries
Spoon full of avacodo oil
Spoonful of Flaxseed oil
A sprinkling of cinnamon powder
A sprinkling of nutmeg
A tiny tiny section of ginger (Ginger has a very strong taste, therefore a little really goes a long way. Don't make the mistake I did when I first started and use a huge chunk of ginger- much to my horror the ginger over powered the whole smoothie and it was just too much)
A sprinkling of cacao nibs
A sprinkling of cocoa powder 
A sprinkling of chia seeds
Almond milk
Coconut water 
A dollop of peanut butter
A dollop of honey

Same smoothie but with mango added to the mixture.

Finished product of the smoothie with my mackerel omelette

I have also seen cacao nibs been sprinkled on breakfast meals such as oats, cereals, it can be used as a substitute for chocolate chips in yoghurt, granola, pancakes, cookies and muffins- healthy ones off course!

Check out the instagram: naturalbeautejourney where I will be posting images of the different ways cacao nibs can be used.

Lots of Love xxx

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