Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Tuesday Ten: 10 Food-blogs that we love!

Calling all foodies and aspiring foodies!

Recently my love for cooking has increased, so I thought this would be the perfect time to share the blogs that I currently love. Also, most of these vlogs are health-conscious too!

Kezia’s Kookbook:  http://keziaskookbook.co.uk/ from breakfast ideas to food hauls to full blown meals, Kezia Kookbook is simple but effective and that’s what we like! She got a great user-friendly jollof rice recipe too!

Hungry Happens: http://www.hungryhappens.com/ is the bomb.com. I don’t think I'll be able to sing its praises enough. There are endless, yummy food ideas and most of it's made up of healthy ingredients or healthy alternatives without compromising on the taste even the desserts!  Yes please!

Kess Kravings: http://jenesiscafe.com/blog/ (They also have a free app called “Kravings”) I love this blog and Instagram page! It has it all, appetisers, lunch, snacks and dessert ideas and so much creativity!

Livias Kitchen: http://liviaskitchen.co.uk/ Love her range of healthy desserts and meals, all guilt-free and perfect if you suffer from food allergies or intolerances.

Afro Lems: http://www.afrolems.com/ So I discovered Afrolems through Kezia’s Kookbook and can I say how great this blog is! This blog is the home of the best Nigerian and African food with an international twist! Yum!

Lexi’s clean kitchen: http://lexiscleankitchen.com/  Gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo-friendly, this scrumptious blog is a super healthy treat.

Nina’s Kitchen: http://ninas-kitchen.co.uk/ this one is a bit of a cheat, as it’s not really a food blog but more of an Instagram page and service provider. Check out the website for catering for events. I literally can’t go on this Instagram page without my mouth watering!

Aftrad Village Kitchen: http://www.aftradvillagekitchen.blogspot.co.uk/ Great blog for my Africans! Featuring easy-to-follow recipes if you are craving good traditional food.

Druid St. Market http://druid.st/ again this is another cheat but I am just in love. Druid street market is a food market in Bermondsey, London selling fresh produce and street food, every Sat from 10am-4pm! I haven't visited YET but their Instagram is enough to send you into a food coma!

Last but not least Instagrams “foodblogfeed” is a great choice for widespread  foodspiration!

XO VBeauty

Photo credits: pinterest

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