Saturday, 27 September 2014

What goes into your body…you decide!

Our skin is an important organ and one that is often taken for granted in our daily lives. On average women use around 200 chemicals on their skin daily, 60% these chemicals are absorbed, so it is important that we know what is going on our skin. Putting products on your skin can be more dangerous than eating them as it is absorbed straight into the bloodstream. Whether you are a consumer, make-up artist or dietician it is our responsibility to know what is in the products that we are using. Many of these products are highly unregulated by the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Perfumery Association (CTPA) - the UK regulatory body and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). I’m going to go through the main ingredients that should be avoided in cosmetic products and outline what the products are and the possible effects of them. I will not be able to list all toxic ingredients in products however, these are the most popular. We may not be able to see the immediate effects of these products however in the longer term many of these products can be harmful. If like me you are currently in your 20’s or a bit older- you may not see the effects of these products on your skin until later on in life when your skin is more mature. Living in our 20’s we think we have so much time however, it is also the time when we start to think about preparing our future therefore investing in healthy products is essential. The good news is that many brands are starting to eradicate toxic and useless ingredients from their products and with some pressure hopefully someday we can say bye bye to all toxic chemicals! Join me in the team #GoingClean campaign (on instagram, name:organicbeautyjourney) to educate ourselves and eliminate toxic ingredients from our personal products and cosmetics. Brands will continue to contain the toxic chemicals listed below because we allow them to (it’s as simple as that). Where has all the compassion in this world gone :(. Anyway enough of feeling sorry for myself (lol), lets educate ourselves…


Petroleum and Mineral oil: This smothers the skin leaving it unable to breathe, it can clog pores leaving the skin unable to let out natural toxins, it can also slow down the way cells are renewed. Thankfully there are many products out there that avoid using petroleum and mineral oil.

Parabens: (Usually seen on ingredients as Propylparaben, methylparapen). This is a popular preservative, meaning it is used to prevent the growth of yeasts, moulds, and bacteria in cosmetics products. As a strong hormone (estrogen) mimicker, traces of it have been found in cancer tissue. It can contribute to hormone imbalance in females. Check personal care product labels and avoid any products with parabens or any word ending in "-paraben."

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate:  These are cleaners that separate molecules making it easier for the product to interact with the product and the surface. This product is included in nearly all shampoos, toothpastes, mouthwashes, body washes, soaps, detergents and body wash.

Fragrance/ Parfum: Fragrance can be the code-name for many toxic ingredients, it used so that brands do not have to reveal secret ingredients in their products. This is also responsible for making soap foamy. It has been connected to cancer, dizziness, headaches asthma and allergies/irritation.

Toluene: This is  used in nail products and hair products and hidden under the ‘fragrance’ ingredients. It is used in the making of many products including paint thinners, adhesives, rubber and hair dyes. It is also used in nail products to form a smooth finish across the nail. It explains why Salon workers should wear face masks when working with nail polishes and nail products containing such toxic substances!

Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40): a very drying and irritating solvent and dehydrator that strips your skin’s moisture and natural immune barrier, making you more venerable to bacteria, moulds and viruses.

Lead: Found in lipstick and hair dye but it is hardly ever listed. Lead is used in lipstick to give its pigment and most of the time consumers do not know what is in the lipsticks that they are buying.

Toxic Sunscreen Chemicals: Oxybenzone: Oxybenzone is used to absorb ultraviolet light, however,  believed to cause hormone disruptions and cell damage that may provoke cancer. Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A palmitate): Retinyl palmitate is used in sunscreen because of its antioxidant properties and gentle nature, it is also thought to cause cell damage that may provoke cancer.

How to avoid these and other toxic products:
  • Read, read, read the ingredients labels on all your products!
  • Take time to research your staple cosmetic products and brands and what they are doing to contribute to the safety of their consumers.
  • Make the switch to natural and organic products- it’s better to be safe than sorry if in doubt of what is toxic and what isn’t! Organic products do not have to be overly expensive it is all about doing your research- over the next few weeks I will be reviewing some affordable organic cosmetics!

Make sure that when you are choosing products that claim to be ‘natural,’ you read the ingredients!

#organicbeautyjourney #obj

Lots of Love,




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