Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Tuesday Ten: 10 healthier food alternatives in 2016

My decision to make healthier substitutes and habits to my diet came after years of just eating what I wanted. For me eating was a need and I satisfied it with what I could get my hands on, junk food, sugar and processed foods. Lots of people around me went down the ‘healthier’ route when it came to diets but since I didn't have to worry about dieting I didn't really care- yes, I am one of those people who can eat lots and lots and not gain any weight! But that doesn't make up for the health problems that you can still face and while I thank God that I don’t have any serious health problems and that it didn’t take a serious health problem to see the light, in some cases it can be that real. I started to notice small problems as a result of my diet and I eventually figured that my diet did play and large part in those things. Also as you get older you can’t get away with eating unwholesome food and getting away with it and you come to appreciate your body and not feed it with rubbish, I now know that my body is a temple and a precious gift from God to use well. So with all that in mind plus the growing trend of a healthier lifestyle and YouTube influencers I decided that it was about time I made some small but significant changes towards a healthier lifestyle. The YouTuber “SunkissAlba” keeps coming up a lot on here but that's because discovering her channel made me really change the way I think about healthy eating and what actually goes inside my body. So I started a journey of being more aware of what I put in and on my body! While I'm not where I want to be, I'm far from where I used to be and I feel great!

1. Drinking more water- Water has so many amazing benefits internally and externally, we are supposed to drink at least 2L a day some say half of your body weight in ounces! Make substitutes for fizzy drinks and juices and if you don’t like water start slowly by having it after meals when your body craves it more. Adding fruits to create detox water is a great way to add a bit of taste to it. Check out "verified_beauty" on instagram for water detox ideas.

2. White sugar alternatives- White sugar is bleached,chemically processed and refined. Although brown sugar is a tad healthier it really is just white sugar mixed with molasses. I use brown sugar but I don’t have a sweet tooth and only really eat sugar in the mornings with my porridge. If I want something sweet in my beverages I use honey. If you do have a sweet tooth there are many sugar alternatives such as coconut palm sugar and honey. Also becareful of ‘low fat’ products because usually other chemicals have been put in as a substitute.

3. Cutting down on white rice and bringing in the browns- Less processing and more nutrients!

4. Adding more fruit and veg to my diet- Get ahead on your five a day, as we know fruit and especially organic fruit makes a great healthy snack.

5. Adding super-foods to my diet- Great in minerals and antioxidants which can aid so much in the body. Get the low down on super-foods here > superfoods 101

6. Smoothies and juices- Great way to get all your nutrients in one go.

7. Healthier snacking: From popcorn to healthy home-made desserts to rice cakes there are so many great alternatives. Here’s a great and healthy food blog with lots of ideas > Hungry Happens

8. Saying no to white bread and eating brown bread but cutting down on bread in general.

9. Exercise- This has made such a positive difference in my life and I really do advise you to take up some form of exercise if you don’t already do so! I started off by joining the gym and going to exercise classes, now I can’t imagine my life without it! I feel so healthy and overall it makes such a difference to your body.

10. Digestion aids, having a healthy digestion system is great internally and externally! It gets rid of that bloated feeling! Apple cider vinegar great for digestion. Diluting it with water and taking it before and after meals is great for it. It also makes a great toner along with other fantastic benefits!  Peppermint and other herbal teas are also great for digestion.

XO Verified Beauty 

Photo Credits: Pinterest


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