Tuesday, 5 January 2016

My 2016 Simple Healthy Hair Regimen

2016 is underway and what a great time to share some of my 2016 hair and skin goals with you guys. As each year goes on my aim is to continue to be the best version of me possible and that applies to all areas of my life. Here is my 2016 hair regimen for the foreseeable future and I will be sticking to it! Here’s to healthy, long hair!

I have afro-Caribbean hair. My hair is currently always in protective styling (cornrows) as I grow my hair. My last relaxer was in March 2014 and since then I have transitioned to natural hair.

Daily Liquid Intake

Morning: Cup of warm Lime/ Lemon infused Water /Peppermint Tea or Green Tea

Before Lunch: (I haven’t incorporated this into my regime yet but will be after a month) Cup of Bamboo, Rosebud and Grapefruit Tea – all rich in Silica and Antioxidant which is great for your hair!

Throughout the day: 1 litre of water

Early Evening: Fruit & Veg Green or red Smoothie (will do a blog post the green smoothie) link to red smoothie is here.

Diet: So my diet is pretty good, I have been making healthier substitutions for a while now, I generally don’t eat junk food and I don’t really have a sweet tooth apart from when it comes to cakes or dessert but I only indulge in those once in a while.

Maintenance of ends:

Everyday apply moisturiser and oil to cornrow and edges- not scalp (apart from shampoo and hot oil treatments 24 hours before shampooing I don’t put anything else on my scalp as my scalp does not like it. Putting too much product on your scalp causes product build up which blocks hair follicles) Contrary to what I believed when I was growing up our scalp does produce oil!

Take Omega 3-6-9 Fish oil (one) and Spirulina (two) supplements DAILY – both are from Holland and Barrett’s

Every wash-day I will be rubbing some oil onto my damp ends before I style

I will also be moisturising and sealing ends everyday.

Exercise and blood circulation to scalp

Increasing your heartbeat will increase blood circulation even to your scalp, plus the benefits of exercise are endless.

Oil Scalp Massages

12-24 hours before I wash my hair I will be massaging my scalp with a mixture of essential and carrier oils the base of which will be coconut oil.

Washday Chronicles

I will be switching from washing my hair from every 2 weeks to washing or co-washing (washing hair with conditioner) every week, washing and protective styling natural hair is very time consuming so I need to be on top of my game!

I will be washing my hair with the Shea Moisture jamaican black castor oil strengthen and restore shampoo here’s a review I did on it. I will also be adding a green tea hair rinse to my regimen.
Green Tea hair rinse: Take some green tea bags and put them in hot water. Let the bags sit for at least 4 hours then wash and condition your hair. Meanwhile wash and condition your hair then lastly rinse your hair with the green tea.

For deep conditioning I will be using the Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Mask link here plus adding extra oils in there. I use the beautiful textures moisturising curl cream available here with coconut oil (Lucy Bees) and argan oil (I bought this from Morocco but any argan oil that is raw, pure, cold-pressed, organic and fair trade). I will also be applying oil to my edges. I use the beautiful textures cream when cornrowing available here to give my hair extra slip.

Once a month I will do protein treatments instead of the deep conditioning mask, I will be doing a blog post on a DIY protein treatment.

When I wash my hair I section it into two and wash one side at a time.

Pretty simple right? I will be doing weekly personal reviews and monthly reviews on the blog. So that wraps it up. I will be using the hashtag #VBHealthyHair for my pictures and I will keep you guys updated!

What’s your current hair regimen for 2016?

Stay tuned for my 2016 skincare regimen.

XO Verified Beauty

Note: I am currently not affiliated with any products or companies, all products have been tried and tested on my own accord.


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