Tuesday, 10 November 2015

The Triple T: Introducing the Turmeric Tamarind Tonic

Anything that enlivens or strengthens. An invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent or influence. A classification of herbs proven to target a multitude of systems aimed at increasing overall vitality and longevity.

The tonic is a herbal healing drink from Indonesia, known locally as jamu. Jamu is the Indonesian system of traditional medicine. A daily glass of jamu is used by Indonesians of all ages for its purifying, healing and beautifying powers. It's made in small batches for maximum freshness and taste, using native south-east Asian herbs and spices that are freshly ground and brewed to fully activate their nourishing properties, producing a vibrant gold liquid.

We use herbs and spices because there’s more to healthy than just fruit and veg. Not only do they add flavour and depth to our food, but they also contain many medicinal properties to help maintain whole body health and happy digestion. All our spices and ingredients are fresh - never dried. 

Drink it neat first thing in the morning. A shot or more. Or on the rocks with a squeeze of lemon to restore your natural energy throughout the day. There are 4 50ml servings in each bottle. 

When I first heard about the Turmeric tamarind on the content-beauty instagram page it immediately caught my attention, I'm a huge fan of turmeric and it's fantastic benefits. When I also read that the maker of this tonic was was holding a tasting session that weekend, I knew I had to be there. I was quite apprehensive about what the tonic was going to taste like when I arrived at the content beauty store. Lets be honest the benefits of this drink are amazing so surely it couldn't taste great as well, right? The lovely maker did exactly as it says on their website and gave me a shot of the tonic and to my surprise it was actually pleasant, my first thought was oh my gosh this tastes like Asian food (it really took me back to my trip to south-east asia *dreams*). It was a pleasure to talk to the maker as well who was inspired by her trip to Indonesia and spending time with the locals. I loved her passion for the drink, which really showed! 

I managed to get myself a free bottle being one of the first customers to come in to try the tonic, although the price of the tonic on that day was £5. So my tonic and I went home ready to start a new week together. The tonic is made in small batches so the quality is preserved and a bottle lasts for up to seven days (if stored in the fridge) so you can get the potency of all the ingredients. I did as instructed and took a shot in the morning and the evening (except on the occasions when I forgot!). It was a great light shot to start my mornings with although the taste was quite strong first thing in the morning! Like I said early it tasted like a good meal and connotations of yummy Asian food flowed through my thoughts. Not great in the AM when you're about to eat your not-so-exotic porridge! But yes, I had a great week with my Turmeric Tamarind but as with anything you need to be taking it in consistently in order to see the full effect! I would definitely repurchase and incorporate it in my diet! As of now the tonic is available at Daylesford Notting HillDaylesford Pimlico26 GrainsCounter AlbionTioskDruid St Market oooh and also "As nature intended" in Marble Arch!

Go and give it a try!

XO Verified Beauty

Oh yes and here is a recipe for you lovely people...

Chai spiced turmeric tamarind milk.
  • 1 bottle of Turmeric Tamarind Tonic
  • ½ Cinnamon Pod
  • 1 Green Cardamom
  • 2 Cloves
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 100ml Coconut Milk (or other milk of choice)
  1. Empty our tonic into a saucepan, add the cinnamon pod, cardamom, star anise and cloves and warm gently.
  2. Once warm, add the milk, and pour into a large mug.
  3. Enjoy it warm!

Tuesday Ten: My top Carrier Oils and essential oils

Welcome to another Tuesday Ten: Today we are looking at carrier and essential oils. These are staples in any woman's (and man) beauty regimen! Oils have amazing properties and are so beneficial for the skin. When you put an oil onto your skin it creates a natural barrier on your skin which keeps you hydrated for much longer. It stops moisture from leaving your skin keeping your skin hydrated for longer which equals healthy and better looking skin. It also stops any damage from getting in.

Note: Remember oils are for all skin types, it is just a case of trial and error to find which one works best for your individual skin type! Using oil if you have oily skin will not make your skin greasy. Oil combats oil. When you have naturally oily skin, the natural oils in your skin are being stripped which causes your skin to go into oil creation overproduction, maybe because of harsh products that are being used on the skin. Overproduction of oil can also be caused by hormones so it is important to identify what is causing it. adding essential oils to your skin, which our skin loves causes it to balance the oil in your skin by tricking your skin not to go into oil overproduction. This gets rid of that excess oil.

If you have acne prone skin it is usually caused by bacteria, lots of oils such as tea tree, peppermint and lavender have anti- bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are a great natural alternative to treating acne.

Remember to patch test all oils on your skin and jawline before putting it all over your face, we all have different skin types and may have allergies to certain things. This does not mean that the oil is bad but it just doesn't sit well with your skin personally. Also remember that the skin on your face is more sensitive to the skin on your body, so it your facial skin doesn't like the oil you can try it on your body. Especially those of you who are allergic to nut be sure to research into each oil to make sure they have no nut origins.

Carrier oils are oils that carry essential oils to the skin. They are base oils that are used to dilute essential oils before adding them to the skin as essential oils are more potent.

My top 5 Carrier Oils 

1. Coconut Oil

2. Olive oil

3.  Tamanu Oil

4. Almond Oil

5. Jojoba Oil

My top Essential Oils

1. Tea tree

2. Peppermint

3. Lavender

4. Camomile

5. Frankincense

As always make sure all your oils are organic, cold pressed and do not have any additives or fillers!

XO Verified Beauty

Image source: Pinterest

Friday, 6 November 2015

Friday Favourites

Today I bring you Friday favourites on a Friday (Last week it was on a Saturday) Yay! My five favourites for the week! Here goes...

Fitness Fave: Loving the gym and exercising atm, when I do home workouts I use 'fitness blender' on YouTube

Make up Fave: Loving 90's inspired make up this week and look how well it suits Tash Oakley, loving that 90's supermodel look.

Wedding Deco Faves: Absolutely loving!

Fave Scripture: Psalm 91- Stick with God, he has your back. The greatest experience of peace you can ever experience

Fave Beverage: The turmeric tamarind tonic- Review coming tomorrow...

Fave Quote: I dare you to give without expecting anything back...

Hope your week has been amazing, have a blessed weekend!

XO Verified Beauty

Photo Credits: www.toneitup.com, instagram and my own

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Tuesday Ten: Winter beauty secrets

So winter is creeping up on us here in London! so I think it's time to share 10 beauty secrets that I'm fiercely facing winter with. Winter for me is a season of dry skin although I have combination skin when it come to winter my skin get very dry and dull. So to get the glow in winter here goes..

1. Facial steamers! I absolutely love steaming my face, it is great for opening up your pores for deep cleaning and retaining moisture in the skin!

2. Adding a dime size of coconut oil to my facial and body moisturiser leaves my skin feeling loveable.

3. Beauty Oils! So beauty oils are on a rise and what better season to use them than winter #getthatglow. I use Tamanu oil which my skin is loving at the moment, rosehip oil is also great if you don't have acne prone skin. You will wake up glowing with added skin and health benefits too!

4. Lip Scrubs. The skin on the lip is very sensitive which means it is prone to drying to keep it clean, moisturised and to get rid of that dead skin use a simple lip scrub consisting of honey, sugar, lemon and almond oil.

5. Body scrubbing and body brushing! Again get that dead skin off your body and leave it feeling silky smooth

6. Facial masks! Give your face that extra TLC by adding a face mask to your regimen at least once a week. My favourite one to use all year round is: gram flour, turmeric, almond oil and milk!

7. Avoiding very drying base primers unless your skin is super oily as it can end up making your make-up look very cakey.

8. Look after you hands and feet. Winter can be really harsh on your hands and feet so don't forget them. Make sure you have time in your beauty regimen especially dedicated to your hands and feet.

9. Always carry around hand cream! I hate the dry hand feeling and I'm sure you do too!

10. Last but not least, your nails! I use a nail strengthening varnish, in order to get that double strength I rub a little coconut oil on my nail before adding a full coat of nail strengthener!

XO Verified Beauty

Photo credits: Tumblr, Jan Bainar

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